Thursday, October 4, 2012


原文地址:宇宙意识的紧急信息:Nibiru星的临近(1)作者:猎户座粉丝原文:Urgent Message from Cosmic Awareness 翻译:猎户座粉丝 Channeler: Cosmic Awareness Will Berlinghof, Interpreter Joan Mills, Energizer September 29, 2012 通灵: 宇宙意识 Will Berlinghof,口译 Joan Mills,能量师 2012年9月29日 CA: That which is CA is available at this time, but would ask for the Energizer, Joan, to indeed present the Law of Love as well as introductory information. Please proceed. CA:这是CA宇宙意识现在在这里,先请能量师,琼,真正表达一下爱的法则,以及介绍性信息。请继续。

Q: Thank you. Today is September 29, 2012. Cosmic Awareness session, Will Berlinghof, Interpreter. Q:谢谢你。今天是2012年9月29日。宇宙意识会议, Will Berlinghof,口译员。The Law of Love is that law which places the welfare, and the concerns, and the feelings of others within self. The Law of Love accepts that affinity with all forces which we associate with as good. The Law of Love is that force which denies the existence of evil in the world, that resists not. Love is the path of least resistance. 爱的法则就是把他人的福利,他人的忧虑和感受放在自己内在的法则。


Shall I go into the questions now? 我现在可以进入问题吗? CA: Please, proceed with the questions. This Awareness does not have that which is an opening message at this time. CA:请继续提问。宇宙意识现在不是在传达一个开放信息。(没有特别的信息,只是回答问题) Q: Thank you. The first one is from E.C. It concerns Planet X. He writes: "I've been looking for Awareness's views on Planet X. Haven't seen anything lately. How is everything progressing? Your comment please?" Q:谢谢你。第一个问题是从E.C.来的,有关X行星的。

他写道:“我一直在寻找宇宙意识对X行星的观点。但最近一直没看见过。一切都进展如何?请问你的评论?” CA: First this Awareness would say that while It has not directly through the newsletters made mention of planet X or that which is also referred to as Nibiru it has mentioned it in private readings and sessions along the way. That this Awareness would say that if it is necessary at this time to present the CAC membership with an update of the activity of the planet Nibiru that is approaching planet Earth, Mother Earth, Gaia, that this Awareness will do so for the timing is appropriate. CA:首先宇宙意识会说,虽然它没有直接通过通讯提到X行星,或被称为Nibiru的,但它一路上在私人咨询和会话里已经提到过。宇宙意识会说,如果有必要在这个时候向CAC成员提出有关更新Nibiru行星的活动:它正在接近地球,地球母亲盖亚,宇宙意识会这样做,因为现在时机是合适的。

That, as the Interpreter is channeling this information near the end of the month of September, Nibiru - Planet X - is indeed very much on course with Earth. And there are many web sites where there are pictures of this planet as it approaches. It is no longer hidden behind the sun, or in the sun's corona effect, but rather has the sun now as a background. And with certain photographic techniques that are being employed by many around the world, pictures are indeed arriving of the planet Nibiru, and it is much closer than many suspect. 口译员在9月底通灵的有关这个信息说,Nibiru-X行星-的确在通往地球上的轨道上。有很多网站有这个星球的图片因为它正在接近。它不再隐藏在太阳的背后,或者在太阳的日冕效应下,现在还不如说是以太阳为背景。现在世界各地的许多人都有一定的摄影技术,照片确实是Nibiru行星的到达,它比许多人怀疑的更加接近。

This is perhaps what is most surprising to many, if they do search the Internet for Nibiru and evidence of its approach: is that it is much closer now than it once was. And, as a result, many are quite amazed, astounded, and even upset that i
t is as close at it is, that it has started to have influence on the earth's magnetic sphere. And that there are daily periods when there are compressions of the [Earth's] magnetosphere, that many are picking up but are totally unaware of what is happening. 这也许是最令人许多人吃惊的,如果他们确实在互联网上搜索Nibiru和它接近的证据,会发现它现在比它曾经的更接近了。而且,作为一个结果,许多人很惊讶,震惊,甚至沮丧,就是随着它的接近,它已经开始影响地球的磁场领域。每天都间期有压缩[地球]磁层,很多人都检测到了,但完全不知道发生了什么事。Indeed many are still looking towards their mass media couriers, their six o'clock news presentations, public press, all that which is the media of those in control, to explain to them, to present to them, the approach of planet Nibiru. Needless to say, most are completely asleep to this occurrence, to this event, and have not the faintest idea that such a thing is taking place. They simply believe that which is presented on the evening news and that is their reality. But this Awareness said, many months before, that by the middle of September, the effects of Nibiru would be noticeable. And they are indeed, even if many do not know what is occurring or why such things are happening. 事实上,许多人仍然期待着他们的大众传播媒体,六点钟的新闻简报,公共报刊,所有受控制的媒体,向他们解释,告诉他们,Nibiru行星的来临。


That at this time, with the compression of the magnetosphere, many are feeling quite tired, often. Many are feeling aches and pains, a general apprehension that is creating in them a feeling of tension. And that many, because they do not know what is happening, think there is something wrong with them. That they then seek their doctors out, that they take medications for their lack of energies, their aches, their pains, and the other conditions that might be occurring. 在这个时候,随着磁层的压缩,很多人都经常感觉非常累。很多人都感觉疼痛酸痛,一种普遍的忧虑,这使他们产生紧张的感觉。

而且许多人,因为他们不知道发生了什么事,就认为他们有什么地方不对劲。然后寻求他们的医生想办法,他们采取药物来治疗身体没劲,疼痛,痛楚,还有可能发生的其他状况。Many others are finding that their emotional energies are quite jaded and jagged, that they are extremely sensitive, or angry, or, again, emotionally tense. That these too are ways that individuals may be reacting. It is this emotional tension, that many are feeling, that are indeed that are being expressed, those emotional tensions, that level of stress is being expressed, often. And many are seeing that there seems to be an escalation of violence and brutality occurring around the world, and in their own personal communities and personal lives as well. 许多其他人正发现,他们的情感能量是相当厌倦和不稳定的,他们是非常敏感,或愤怒,或情绪紧张。


Because of the increasing tensions, due to the magnetosphere's compression for large periods of the day, due to photon radiations effect, x-ray effect, other energies that are streaming onto the planet (Earth) at this time because of Nibiru's approach, many are not in a position, because of their ignorance, to understand that this is occurring and that this would be a very good time for many to "chill out," as the saying goes, to relax, even to sleep longer periods of time so that they can deal with the extra stressful energies that are occurring. 因为这不断增长的紧张,由于在一天内长期间的磁层压缩,由于光子辐射效应,X射线效应,其他在这个时候因为Nibiru的接近而正在灌注到星球(地球)上的能量,许多人因为他们的无知,还无法去明白这些正在发生,这将是一个很好的时间,让许多人“冷静下来,”就象俗话说的那样,放松,甚至更长时间的睡眠,这样他们可以应付正在发生的额外压力的能量。Instead, the majority, of course, carry on with their lives as if nothing was happening. For indeed, in their lives, because the evening news has not said so, nothing is happening. And they blissfully go on in their ignorance that anything at all is occurring, and yet their lives are topsy turvy and they do not understand why. They simply think things are as they should be, that the high state of tension on all levels, the energetic flowing of negative energies, the extreme upheaval that is already occurring, has become the new norm. And many simply move forward under this premise, that this is all normal. 相反,大多数人,当然过自己的生活,就好像什么也没发生。事实上,在他们的生活中,因为在晚间新闻中并没有这么说,就什么也没有发生。


But this Awareness can assure you that it is not normal. That these are all the collateral effects of the approach of Nibiru. That her approach is not simply about the physical effects that many anticipated - the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the extreme weather conditions - but also how it is affecting many on the mental, as well as on the emotional levels, as well, indeed, on the physical level, both on a personal physical level as well as on the global physical levels. That the energies of Nibiru are indeed intruding and interfering with the normal energies of the planet (earth) and as this Awareness just said, a new normal is now in effect for many. 但是宇宙意识可以向你保证,这是不正常的。这些都是Nibiru临近而产生的副作用。它的来临不仅仅有关物理的影响,象许多人预期的-地震和火山爆发,极端天气条件-还有它是如何影响了许多人的心理,以及对情感层面上,而且事实上在物理层面上也是,无论在个人的物理(身体)层面上以及对全球物理层面上都是。

Nibiru的能量确实正在侵入,正干扰正常的星球(地球)能量,就象宇宙意识刚刚所说,现在对许多人来说的正常是一个新的标准。That the authorities, the powers that be, are aware of this, and are using these factors to their advantage, to continue to control and manipulate the situation. As the levels of violence increase, there are more and more radical solutions that are being offered to deal with these matters. That as many of the readers, long time readers of Cosmic Awareness Communications are aware, information has long been ready about the concentration camps that have already been built, the freight trains available to haul individuals to these camps, all of the draconian preparations that have been made over the years for this moment. The moment is upon one and all now. It is upon the planet. 当局,掌权者们,认识到这一点,并且利用这些因素作为自己的优势,继续控制和操纵事态。随着暴力行为级别的增加,会有更多和更激进的解决方案被提供去处理这些问题。


BUT what is now extremely important is also to remember the words of this Awareness that this is a timeline that is being followed by many. It would be more appropriate to say the individual timelines are all coalescing now, coming together now, into that which this Awareness has called a Nexus moment, a time of coalescing all timelines, bringing them all together, so that many are shared. For this event is that which is divinely orchestrated as well, and intended as a crisis point to shift consciousness. 但现在非常重要的,就是也要记住宇宙意识所说的,这是许多人正在遵循的一个时间表。更恰当地说,个人的时间表现在都正在凝聚,正走到一起,进入宇宙意识所称的“连接”时刻(Nexus),就是凝聚所有的时间表,将它们放在一起,因此很多人都共享的一个时间。

因为这一事件也是被神圣地精心安排好的,意图就是作为一个危机点来转移意识。Thus, as this Awareness has spoken recently, the approach of Nibiru is not only to be seen in the negative, but, in the positive as well. For as the planet approaches, it will disrupt that which has been the norm, even the new norm. And, as things fall apart, as things go into the death throes, whether they be economic situations worldwide or locally, whether it is mental beliefs and attitudes that are finally being challenged and collapsed, or emotional issues and areas that also need to be looked at and revived [revised?] and revamped, this is an extreme opportunity for major adjustment. Not only adjustment, but indeed, a major event, where that which is no longer appropriate and/or needed is finally questioned, is finally brought under scrutiny, and is finally released. 因此,就象宇宙意识最近所说的,Nibiru的来临不应仅被看作是负面的,也有积极的一面。因为随着这个星球的临近,它会打破这常态,甚至是新的规范。而且,当事情土崩瓦解,进入垂死挣扎,无论是全球或本地的经济情况,无论是精神信念和态度,都将最终受到挑战和倒塌,或者情绪的问题和领域,也需要被关注,复兴[修改]和修补,这是一个极端的重大调整的机会。

不仅是调整,事实上是一个重大的事件,那些不再适当的和/或需要的一切将被最终质疑,最终受到审查,将最终被释放。As those who have an awareness of these times do so, with full consciousness, with full cooperations, and without fear or trepidation, they will find their lives not collapsing but expanding! They will find that these are the times, indeed, where great opportunities are presented for personal growth and development on all levels, particularly in a spiritual sense. 当那些意识到这些时间的人们这样做时,是完全自觉地,充分合作,并无畏无惧或不安,他们将会发现他们的生活没有崩溃,而是在扩展!他们将会发现,这些时刻,确实在所有层面上提供了个人成长和发展的巨大机遇,特别是在精神意义上。However, for those who cannot undergo these events that are opening up that will accelerate and increase now, they will find their lives increasingly difficult; that the demands on them of the times will be such that many will find they cannot handle things any longer. And the societies and the communities and the cultures of the planet will all be affected radically. Those who choose to live in fear and ignorance will be subject to the divine destinies they have planned for themselves. 然而,那些不能经受住这些正在打开的-现在将要加速和增长-的事件的人们,他们将会发现他们的生活越来越困难;时代对他们的要求将会是这样,以至于许多人会发现,他们不再能够应付事情了。


For not all are indeed here to have an ascension experience that is positive and enlightening. Many are here to experience this event in more negative ways, for their soul has determined and decided, for whatever reason that it is needed for the whole soul's growth and development. It must be always understood that the soul is eternal and lives in the eternal now. The aspect of the soul having a physical experience is in a momentary focus in a life that has relevancy but also is fleeting. That when that aspect of the soul returns back to the whole soul, it brings back the lessons that it chose to experience and hopefully to learn from. And many are on this planet now, not to have a high experience of the divine, or of the soul moving into conscious awareness of itself at its multi dimensional nature, but to have the experience of what it would be like for the soul to not remember its true connection and to go through such experiences and with a sense of separation of the soul, a sense of being abandoned to the higher energies and consciousness, by those higher energies and consciousness, so that it can return back into the soul fabric and bring back what this experience is like in a most crucial time. 不是所有人在这儿都确实是为了有一个积极的和觉醒的扬升经验。许多人在这里以更负面的方式体验到这个事件,因为他们的灵魂已经决定,无论出于何种原因,这对于整体灵魂的成长和发展是需要的。必须始终明白的是,灵魂是永恒的并生活在永恒的当下。灵魂的-拥有一个身体的体验-的这方面是相关生命里的瞬间聚焦,但也是一闪而过。

当灵魂的这个方面返回到整体灵魂,它带回了-它选择去体验,并希望去学习的-经验教训。在这个星球上的许多人,不是为了拥有很高的神性的体验,或者是灵魂意识到其自己的多维本质的体验,而是为了去体验当灵魂不记得它的真正连接时会怎样,并带着灵魂的分离感去通过这样的经验,一种被隔离于更高的能量和意识的感觉,通过那些更高的能量和意识,它因此可以返回到灵魂结构并带回-当最关键的时刻-这方面的经验会是什么样的。There are many, many individual reasons, of course, for having these experiences, this Awareness cannot go into each and every one. But it does indeed remind one and all that this is a unique time for planetary ascension as well as mankind's ascension, humanity's ascension as well as each and every individual's ascension, or not. 为了拥有这些经验,当然,有很多很多的个人原因,宇宙意识不能进入每一个人。但它确实提醒所有人这是一个独特的时间,为行星的扬升以及人类的扬升,人道的扬升,以及每一个人的扬升,或者不扬升。

That the Not experience here is as valuable as the experience in the light. For the soul always knows why it has chosen an existence. And thus, this Awareness says, that even the many who will not ascend into the higher realm of Planet A, are here to have the experiences they have. Whether it is to move into the new Planet A/B scenario, to move to a Planet B scenario for there are more lessons to be learned in the separation of consciousness from the soul into the physical. Or indeed, even if the purpose of this time is to exit from this planet, and die, through that transforming back into their spiritual aspects, their soul aspects, of reuniting with the whole soul. 在这儿不扬升的体验与处于光中的体验是同样的宝贵。因为灵魂总是知道它为什么选择了一种存在。因此,宇宙意识说,甚至很多不会扬升到更高境界星球A的人,会在这里拥有他们的体验。

无论是移到新行星A / B的场景下,或者是移到星球B场景中,因为有更多的课程需要去学习-在意识的分离中-从灵魂进入到身体。事实上,即使这一次的目的是退出这个星球上,死了,通过那个转化回到他们的灵性方面,他们的灵魂方面,与整体灵魂的团聚。That the planet Nibiru is therefore also seen as a vehicle of the will of the divine, to provide this crisis point where there can be a whole and total shift in the direction of the experience of dualistic life on a material physical planet. That up until now, over the last approximately 13,000 years, the experience has been one where those of a dark energy have been in control. These dark ones, these who this Awareness has often call the elite or the cabal of power, the powers that be, have had their way. For this period of time as a great experience and experiment has been about how things would be, if such ones were in control. This experience experiment has been fulfilled to the divine satisfaction, and a new experience is about to begin. Nibiru is seen as a catalyst to help this happen. Nibiru行星,因此也被看作是神圣意志的载体,以提供这个危机点,在此有一个整体,总体的转变,针对在一个物质的物理行星上的二元生活的经验。到现在为止,在过去的大约13,000年,一直是一个在黑暗能量控制中的经验。


这个经验的实验已经完成了神圣的满意,全新的体验即将开始。Nibiru可以看成是催化剂来帮助这个发生。That is why all experiences on the planet (Earth), all life lines, time lines of all individuals will be affected by planet Nibiru's approach. They will be affected to the degree they need to be affected. They will be effected to the degree they wish to experience. That those who have greater understanding and awareness of this, who know that the upcoming upheaval - that is already underway but will increase and intensify - is necessary, in order to shift consciousness, and to comply with the divine plans of the eternal being that is God Almighty in all Its aspects and avenues. 这就是为什么所有在这个星球(地球)上的体验,所有的生活线,所有个人的时间线都将受到Nibiru行星临近的影响。他们将会被影响到他们所需要的程度。


That this planet therefore, the 12th planet, Planet X, Nibiru, is very much part of the divine plan. And therefore one needs to embrace this knowledge, to understand that Nibiru is not entirely simply an evil rogue planet that will destroy life on the planet (Earth) and create chaos and upheaval. But it it is the very force that will ensure the ending of the old experiment in dualistic consciousness, where those who are in the dark have had control, to the new experience, where those who still wish to have a dualistic experience in physical form, on a physical material planet, will see that the energies are different. That the new experiment is to have the balance, thus neither are totally in charge or control. And it is through cooperation and harmony that the planet will learn to exist and function, and humanity will take a huge step forward during this time frame. 这个星球,又称第12日行星,X行星,Nibiru因而正是神圣的计划的一部分。因此人们需要接受这方面的知识,了解Nibiru不是完全只是一个邪恶的流氓星球-会毁灭星球(地球)上的生命并制造混乱和动荡。它正是那个力量-将确保结束二元意识的旧试验,就是那些黑黑们所控制的,从而进入新的经验,那些仍然希望拥有-在物理物质的星球上在物质形式中的-二元经验的人,将看到能量是不同的。

新的实验是拥有平衡,这样二者都不完全掌管或控制。这颗行星将学习通过合作与和谐,去生存并发挥职能,人类将在这段时间内向前迈进巨大的一步。It is also the time when those many who have had countless lifetimes on the planet, as spiritual seekers, as guides, as teachers, as participants in the evolution of spiritual awareness, will reach the point of ascension that is represented by Planet A. They will move forward in their consciousness to live, not necessarily a dualistic reality, but rather a reality that is from fifth dimensional unitary consciousness, unity consciousness being that which will be the primary consciousness of planet A. 也正是这个时候,那些在地球上有过无数次生命的人,作为灵性追求者,指导者,导师,精神意识演化的参与者,将达到扬升之点-由星球A所表现的。他们将向前迈进住在他们的意识,不一定是一个二元对立的现实,而宁愿是一个来自五维统一意识的现实,统一意识的存在,这将是行星A的主要意识。

And they, those who ascend to the Planet A scenario, will know that they are fifth dimensional beings existing in a third dimensional framework, but with the abilities always to exceed third dimensional structure and form. Thus it is that one on Planet A will not be simply wrapped up in the dualistic physicality of the experience, but will be able to use that physicality in ways unimagined, will be able to transcend those limitations and bring to the equation new forms of conscious participation while still playing in third dimensional form when and if wished. That the goal even is to go even from a physical involvement back into pure thought and form, pure light energy. This is one of the hierarchical objectives for those who seek to start in planet A from the lowest levels of that expanded consciousness to finally reach the highest levels which would be available. 他们,那些扬升到星球A情况下的人们,将会知道他们是第五维的生命存在于第三维框架内,但拥有那些能力总是超过三维结构和形式。因此,行星A上的人将不会被简单地包裹在二元经验的身体里,而能够以无法想象的方式使用这个身体,能够超越这些限制,并把意识参与的新形式带入这个方程式,同时还仍然能够在三维的(身体)形式里游戏-当或者如果想要的话。


Finally, there is that which is planet B. It is seen that many will not choose to expand their consciousness, do not wish to live in balance and harmony with their fellow beings, but wish to continue experiences of the physical where there is separation from spirit. Planet B will be the place for those souls who wish to have this type of separation experience, brutality and violence. It is to be remembered that the soul is not affected by brutality and violence. It sees it only as opportunity. Once in physical form, the experience is quite different to that what is imagined, still in the spiritual level of soul awareness. But it is still that this is the experience that would be wished for. There is no judgment here. It is simply a need to have a certain experience that Planet B will provide for those that wish to enter into its realms. 最后,是这个星球B。可以看出,很多人不会选择扩展自己的意识,不希望与他们的同胞生活在平衡与和谐之中,而是希望继续物理的经验并同时精神的分离。




这仅仅是需要拥有某种体验-而行星B将为那些希望进入它的领域的人提供了这个机会。All of this is because Nibiru approaches. All of this is because it is the divine will to shift the experiment, to shift consciousness, to make available the new possibilities for divine development and progress. 所有这一切都是因为Nibiru的来临。所有这一切都是因为它是神圣的意志:去转移这试验,去转移意识,为神圣的发展和进步提供了新的可能性。For Nibiru is the catalyst point for this experience, thus it is important always to understand this. One then has a choice as to how they will respond to this event. 对于这个经验,Nibiru就是这个催化剂点,因此,重要的是始终明白这一点。

然后人们就有一个选择,就是作为他们将如何回应这个事件。As the approach of Nibiru draws closer and closer, as the planet comes closer and closer, there will be even more obvious upheaval, social disruption, emotional contamination and upheaval. But one can choose to simply recognize what is occurring, and govern their reactions to those events, seizing upon the opportunity rather that is being presented. 由于Nibiru的来临离我们越来越近,随着这个星球离我们越来越近,会有更明显的动荡,社会混乱,情绪污染和动荡。但人们可以作出选择,简单地认识到发生了什么,并控制他们对这些事件的反应,抓住这个机会,而不是所呈现的混乱。

That this would be the recommendation of this Awareness. But it is fully aware that many will still go into panic, these words from Awareness forgotten as the events of individuals' lives overtakes them and they go to a negative place. That this is not a prediction. It is simply seen that the events will be so overwhelming for many, that even though they might know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, they may become so lost in the darkness that they forget themselves, forget to move forward, and thus experience what it is they would experience., 这将是宇宙意识的建议。但要充分认识到,许多人仍然会进入恐慌,而忘记了这些话,当个人生活的事件追上他们,他们去到一个负面的地方。

这不是一个预测。很简单地看到事件对许多人来说是如此压倒性的,即使他们知道在隧道尽头会有光,他们可能会变得如此迷失在黑暗中,以至于他们忘记了自己,忘记向前走,从而体验是他们将会遇到的。This Awareness would rather, in its message to one and all, remind all again of the importance of controlling one's negative thoughts, of going into fear. For fear causes panic. Panic, indeed, leads one to the wrong reactions, if you will. The paradox, of course, is there are no wrong reactions, and in the end, one will experience whatever it is one experiences. But the option is fully available, to one and all, to stay in a place of positivity, of bringing the light in, of being aware of the incredible opportunities that will present themselves. Indeed, as individuals move forward in positivity, they will find new avenues of their consciousness opening up, which will help them very much alter the more extreme events that they are experiencing. 宇宙意识愿意,在它给所有人的信息里,再次提醒大家控制自己负面想法,恐惧的重要性。恐惧导致恐慌。


但选择权是完全给与的适用的-对每一个人和所有人,待在积极的地方,让光进来,要意识到令人难以置信的机会,它们会呈现自己。事实上,作为个人在积极中向前进,他们会找到他们意识打开的新途径,这将帮助他们转变他们所遇到的更加极端的事件。This too must be emphasized: that it is not simply a matter of endurance of the upheaval, but a realization that as one moves more and more into their higher consciousness, that they will be available to those experiences of multi dimensionality that supersede the physical. They will quite literally be able to take themselves out of harm's way, or to mute the events around them, change them in ways that this Awareness cannot fully explain at this time, for the energies are not quite available for this. But to understand that those who choose to stay in a much more positive state and frame of mind will indeed be able to mitigate the factors around them so they are not as extreme as what others may experience. 也必须被强调的是,这不是一个简单的忍受动荡的事情,而是一个现实:随着一个人越来越多的进入更高的意识,他们将得到那些多维度的经验-这取代物理。他们将真正能够地把自己从伤害的途中拿走,或静音周围的事件,用各种方式改变它们,宇宙意识现在不能完全解释这些方式,因为能量对此不是太合适。

但要明白,那些选择留在一个更积极的状态和心境的人们,确实能减轻他们周围的因素,所以它们没有别人可能会遇到的那样极端。All of this due to Nibiru's approach. Therefore, this Awareness says to you, do not be afraid of Nibiru. Open yourself to this planet's approach, for it is part of God's will, the divine will, part of the divine plan to end finally the corruptive experience that has been Planet A/B up until now for the last 13,000 or so years and to open the new realities that are ready to form. 所有这些都是由于Nibiru的临近。因此,宇宙意识对你说,不要害怕Nibiru。打开自己面对这个星球的接近,因为它是天意,神圣意志的一部分,神圣计划的一部分,以结束最后的腐朽的经验-那是行星A / B 最后13000年左右一直到现在为止的经验,并打开即将成形的新现实。

Therefore Nibiru is not simply the planet of destruction but it is the promise for the divine future as well. 因此,Nibiru不是简单的毁灭之星球,它也是神圣未来的承诺。End of Part 1 第1部分结束 ================ 译者:翻译的比较粗制滥造,请对照原文看。

青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密。

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